About the Bow Wow Buddies Foundation®
See How Our Nonprofit Organization Helps Dogs in Need
The Bow Wow Buddies Foundation is Camp Bow Wow®'s 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports the health and happiness of our furry loved ones. The Bow Wow Buddies Foundation offers a second chance to sick and injured dogs in need by providing medical care funds to dogs who are either homeless or whose parents cannot afford to pay their veterinary bills.
Meet Our Grant Recipients! Dogs We've Helped

Lending a Paw to Dogs in Need
Dogs are amazing creatures and add endless joy and love to our lives. Each year, countless beloved pets are denied urgent medical care simply because their parents cannot afford the treatment costs. For struggling pet parents faced with this impossible predicament, the Bow Wow Buddies Foundation is a lifeline that can ease the financial burdens of treating their sick or injured dog – and potentially prevent the heartbreaking loss of their furry loved one, as a result.
In addition to helping struggling pet parents, the Bow Wow Buddies Foundation also provides grants to animal shelters and rescue groups that need assistance to provide necessary medical treatments for sick or injured dogs awaiting adoption.
The Bow Wow Buddies Foundation will award grants up to $2,500 for necessary medical treatments for dogs across North America in need of care for conditions such as:
- Broken bones
- Abdominal obstruction
- Enucleation
- Cancer
- Emergency services
Individuals may apply for a grant when they are struggling to cover the costs of their dog's veterinary care. A shelter or rescue group may apply for a grant if a dog is awaiting adoption pending veterinary care.
Help us lend a paw by donating and by spreading the woof to friends or family members who may benefit from a Bow Wow Buddies Foundation grant. Together, we can help all our furry friends enjoy full, healthy lives!
Help a Pup in Need
Your donation could help cover the following costs:
Bloodwork $50 -
Medication $25 -
After Surgery $5
Happy Grant Recipients
Give Today, help Save A Pup's Life