Open Accessibility Menu
Save a Dog's Life


Working to improve accessibility to our website and strive to create an accessible and barrier-free environment.

Our Commitment

Camp Bow Wow is committed to providing individuals with disabilities access to information, goods, services and privileges offered on this website,, and is in an ongoing process of improving its accessibility. We are making every effort to provide a website in which functionality and content is accessible to all individuals, and we are actively updating and monitoring our website to make it as accessible as possible.

Questions & Feedback

If at any time you have specific questions, concerns, or comments about the accessibility of any particular web page on, please contact us by one of the methods below. When contacting us, please specify the particular web page about which you have a question or require assistance.

Contact Information:


Mailing Address:
Camp Bow Wow
7577 West 103rd Ave. Unit 209
Westminster, CO 80021

Help a Pup in Need

Your donation could help cover the following costs:

  • Anesthesia and Surgical Instruments $250
  • X-rays $100
  • Pre-Op
  • Post-Op
  • Cost of Stitches
    After Surgery

Happy Grant Recipients

  • Tim
    "Angus hasn't had the best of luck and we love him way too much…thank you so much for helping us out in tougher times and let our family continue to grow."

    — Tim

  • Sarah
    "When we learned that we had been accepted for Foundation grant we were blown away. It was definitely a shock to us but most of all we were so relieved. It took so much pressure off of me to know that John could have ..."

    — Sarah

  • Melissa
    "You all are such a miracle to so many families like ours and we are forever grateful for what you've done. Without this grant we wouldn't have been able to fix Rex's leg."

    — Melissa

  • Marisa
    "I was incredibly overwhelmed when I found out I was approved for the grant. Seeing Clover in pain everyday was hard knowing I didn't have the finances to help her."

    — Marisa

  • Nancy
    "Thank you to the Foundation for the most generous gift to help my Bella. She's recovering great from her surgery. We are eternally grateful that there are people and places like you that are willing to give a hand to ..."

    — Nancy

  • Mary
    "Words cannot begin to describe how thankful I am for…the Bow Wow Buddies Foundation's generosity in assisting my sweet Nora and I so she could receive her heart surgery."

    — Mary

Give Today, help Save A Pup's Life

Image of a white dog