• image of dog helped - Scooba Steve
    Scooba Steve

    From Flat Foot to Forever Home

    When Scooba Steve was only 8 weeks old he was found in a cage covered in snow, in the middle of a field. The Samaritan who found him took him to the Animal Rescue League who diagnosed Scooba Steve of having a severe case of “Flat Foot” as well as being very emaciated. With the Bow Wow Buddies Foundation grant Scooba Steve received, he was able to get treatment for his flat foot condition and plenty of TLC throughout his recovery!

    "I wanted to say thank you so much for awarding Scooba Steve…a Bow Wow Buddies grant! We here at Camp Bow Wow Pittsburgh are so happy to be able to help our friends at the shelter to give Scooba Steve the care he needs!" - Danielle Mashuda, Camp Bow Wow Pittsburgh.


    Valentino With Vet Techs

    Valentino With His Cast

    Valentino Laying On Owners Lap

    Valentino With The People Who Rescued Him

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