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  • image of dog helped - Oscar

    Cheyenne, WY

    Care for by:Ft. Collins Veterinary Emergency & Rehabilitation

    Oscar was rescued from an abusive/hoarding case in Montana. He was very underweight and having trouble breathing, had worms, pneumonia, elbow infections and hip dysplasia. Hound Haven has been fostering him and he is now through the worst except for weak hindquarters.
    “Oscar was given a poor prognosis recently, but they are working on many treatments and making him a braces and a chariot to help him walk. “." I hope that something we are trying along with his PT can help him make it”.
    With the support of Bow Wow Buddies Foundation, Oscar received a grant to help pay for the treatments.
    The Bow Wow Buddies Foundation is happy to be able to assist dogs and their families who are going through difficult times.

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